Policies/Documents Section 8 Administrative Plan Annual Management Report 22-23 & Goals Thru 6/30/24 504 Reasonable Accommodation Policy Language Assistance Policy Housing Authority Pandemic Plan NYS required Covid Operations Plan(reference only) TOIHA Sexual Harrassment Policy FOIL Freedom of Information online fillable form FOIL Policy FOIL downloadable form NYS Comitte on Open Government NOTICE Although the HA works to update any policies to comply with specific regulations or changes, please note that any regulatory changes that the HA is required to comply with are incorporated by reference and shall control where a conflict arises, most specifically within the S8 Administrative Plan. Under Hud’s HOTMA requirements, please note the HA complied with the revisions changes dates, however, as per HUD guidance, until the HA is required to implement HOTMA, the existing policies remain in effect. Specific provisions of HOTMA that may be required, are being followed and consistent with the statement herein are effective. Current Waiting List Applicants can update information using the following links ONLINE Fillable Wait List Status Update Form to update your information, this is not an application for housing. NEW NOTE- this form is ONLY for persons that have previously applied Waiting List status update form, fill print mail alternative.